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BoED—— Book of Exalted Deeds(崇善之书)

MH——— Miniatures Handbook (模型手册)

CW——— Complete Warrior (完美战士)

Dra——— Draconomicon (巨龙之书)

UA——— Unearthed Arcana (超凡奥术)

XPH—— Expanded Psionics Handbook (扩展心灵异能手册)

PlH——  Planar Handbook (位面手册)

CD——  Complete Divine  (完美神力)

RoS——  Races of Stone (石之族裔)

Frost—— Frostburn (霜燃之书)

MM3—— Monster Manual III (怪物图鉴3

LM——  Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead (死灵之书)

CA—— Complete Arcane (完美奥术)

RoD—— Races of Destiny (天命族裔)

CAdv—— Complete Adventurer (完美冒险者)

Sand—— Sandstorm (沙暴之书)

RotW—— Races of the Wild (荒野族裔)

LoM—— Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations (异怪之书)

HoB—— Heroes of Battle (战地英雄)

DMG2—— Dungeon Master’s Guide II (城主指南2

Storm——Stormwrack (风暴之书)

WoL—— Weapons of Legacy (传古武器)

MoI—— Magic of Incarnum (魂之魔法)

HoH—— Heroes of Horror (恐惧英雄)

SpC—— Spell Compendium (万法大全)

RotD—— Races of the Dragon (龙之族裔)

ToM—— Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic (魔法卷册)

CP—— Complete Psionic (完美灵能)

PHB2—— Player's Handbook II (玩家手册2)

FC1—— Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (邪魔释典1)

MM4—— Monster Manual IV (怪物图鉴4)

ToB—— Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords (战斗卷册)

DrM—— Dragon Magic (龙之魔法)

Cityscape—— Cityscape (城市风光)

CM—— Complete Mage (完美巫师)

FC2—— Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (邪魔释典2)

Dungeonscape—— Dungeonscape (地城风光)

CS—— Complete Scoundrel (完美流氓)

MIC—— Magic Item Compendium (万物大全)

CC—— Complete Champion (完美圣斗士)

DotU—— Drow of the Underdark (幽暗地域的卓尔)

MM5—— Monster Manual V (怪物图鉴5)

EoE—— Exemplars of Evil (魔道典范)

RC—— Rules Compendium (万律大全)

EE—— Elder Evils (上古邪物)


PGtF--Player's Guide to Faerun (费伦玩家手册)

LEoF--Lost Empires of Faerun (费伦的失落帝国)

UE--Unaproachable East (绝境东域)

ShS--Shining south (光辉南方)

SK--Serpent Kingdoms (巨蛇王国)

LoD--Lords of Darkness (黑暗主宰)

CoV--Champions of Valor (荣光勇士)

CoR--Championos of Ruin (废墟勇士)

DoF--Dragons of Faerun (费伦的巨龙)

PoF--Power of Faerun (费伦的势力)

RoF--Races of Faerun (费伦的种族)

Und--Underdark (幽暗地域)

Waterdeep--Waterdeep: City of Splendors (深水城:光辉之城)


ECS--Eberron Campaign Setting (艾伯伦战役设定集)

PGtE--Players Guide to Eberron (艾伯伦玩家手册

RoE--Races of Eberron (艾伯伦的种族)

Dragonmarked--Dragonmarked (龙纹之书)

Explore--Explorer's Handbook (探险家手册)

FN--Five Nations (五国)

FoW--Forge of War (战争熔炉)

MoE--Magic of Eberron (艾伯伦的魔法)

FoE--Faiths of Eberron (艾伯伦的信仰)

SoS--Secrets of Sarlona (索隆娜的秘辛)

SoX--Secrets of Xen'Drik (希恩德瑞克的秘辛)

DoE--Dragons of Eberron (艾伯伦的巨龙)

Sharn--Sharn: City of Towers (夏恩:众塔之城)

Stormreach--Stormreach (风暴湾)

